Conrad Steinmann, Recorder and Aulos

born 1951 in Switzer­land. Stud­ied recorder at the Schola Can­to­rum Basilien­sis with Hans-Mar­tin Linde. 1972 Win­ner of the 1st Inter­na­tion­al Recorder Com­pe­ti­tion in Bruges (Bel­gium). Based in Win­terthur since 1974. 1975–1982 Lec­tur­er at the Zurich Acad­e­my of Music. 1982 Appoint­ed lec­tur­er at the Schola Can­to­rum in Basel.

1991 Award­ed the Art Prize of the C.H. Ernst Foun­da­tion in Win­terthur, 2016 the Zollikon/Zurich Art Prize. Con­certs bring him to all Euro­pean cen­tres, to Moscow, Esto­nia, Geor­gia, Japan and reg­u­lar­ly to the Mid­dle East, South Amer­i­ca and India as well as to Aus­tralia, for­mer­ly main­ly with the “Ensem­ble 415” and Lon­don Baroque, today with the recorder ensem­ble “difer­en­cias” and with “Melpomen”.

From 1976 to 2015 col­lab­o­ra­tion with Niko­laus Harnon­court at the Zurich Opera and with his “Con­cen­tus Musi­cus” with music by Mon­tever­di, Mozart and Beethoven (Sym­pho­ny V). Numer­ous record­ings, most recent­ly with DIVOX: “Echo”, “Giorno e Notte” (recorder con­cer­tos by Vival­di) and with Musiques Suiss­es SWISS MADE with difer­en­cias. Ini­tia­tor and orga­niz­er of Inter­na­tion­al Recorder Days (Begeg­nung Schweiz Osteu­ropa 1993; encounter with Italy 1997 “incon­tro” and the Arab world in Sept. 2001 with “Jadal” in Basel and Cairo).

As an Aulos play­er he shows a unique com­mit­ment to the music of ancient Greece. Inten­sive and long col­lab­o­ra­tion with the instru­ment mak­er Paul J. Reich­lin, whose recon­struct­ed instru­ments are the basis for his new­ly imag­ined music of the 5th and 6th cen­turies BC. With his ensem­ble “Melpomen” he has devel­oped 4 pro­grammes (“Melpomen”, “Olym­pi­onikais oder Pin­dars Oden” at the end of the Olympic Games in Athens 2004, “Sap­pho” and new “CHOROS” with music to Greek tragedies). The CD “Melpomen Ancient Greek Music” (Har­mo­nia Mundi/Schola 905263) was award­ed with a “dia­pa­son d’or”. The sec­ond CD “Sap­pho and her time” with music for the 6th cen­tu­ry BC was released by Sony. Schol­ar of the Swiss Nation­al Sci­ence Foun­da­tion and the Stavros Niar­chos Foundation.

2016 Pub­li­ca­tion of his book “Drei Flöten für Peter Bich­sel”, Vom Zauber der Block­flöte, 23 music sto­ries (Ver­lag Rüffer&Rub, Zurich).

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